

When The Whip Comes Down - The Rolling Stones (滚石乐队)
Written by:Mick Jagger/Keith Richards
Yeah mama and papa told me
I was crazy to stay
I was gay in New York
A fag in LA
So I saved my money
And I took a plane
Wherever I go they treat me the same
When the whip comes down
When the whip comes down
When the whip comes down
When the whip comes down
Yeah I'm going down fifty third street
And they're spitting in my face
I'm learning the ropes
Yeah I'm learning a trade
The east river truckers
Are churning with trash
I make so much money
That I'm spending so fast
When the whip comes down
When the whip comes down
When the whip comes down
When the whip comes down
When the sh*t hits the fan
I'll be sittin' on the can
When the whip comes down
Yeah some called me garbage
When I was sleeping on the street
I never roll
And I never cheat
I'm filling a need
I'm plugging a hole
My mama's so glad
I ain't on the dole
When the whip comes down
When the whip comes down
When the sh*t hits the fan
I'll be sittin' on the can
When the whip comes down
When the whip comes down
When the whip comes down
When the whip comes down
Whip comes down
When the whip comes down
I'll be running this town I'll tell you
When the sh*t hits the fan
I'll be sittin' on the can
When the whip comes down
When the whip comes down
When the whip comes down
When the whip comes down
When the whip comes down
When the whip comes down






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