

Monday morning, the clock strikes 6 am.
I can bell myself
like the alarm on my bed
Monday morning, the clock strikes 8am.
wanna escape my work.
I don't like the same old story.
just wanna walk up traveling city
where I belong
I hope everyday is like a holiday.
Wanna make the time i see
so i can go anywhere.
I wanna go and I'll never be lazy.
Wanna make the time i see
and i can do anything.
I wanna do and I'll never be lazy
all the time.
Sunday night the clock strikes 8pm.
Time flies so fast,
I don't wanna sleep tonight.
I just wanna walk up traveling city
where I belong
I hope everyday is like a holiday.
Wanna make the time i see
so i can go anywhere.
I wanna go I'll never be lazy
Wanna make the time i see
and i can do anything.
I wanna do
and I'll never be lazy all the time.
Monday night the clock strikes 6pm.
I'll take a bus with my MP3 player
Monday night the clock strikes 10pm.
Time flies so fast
and i'm going to sleep bye bye
Wanna make the time i see
so i can go anywhere.
I wanna go
I'll never be lazy.
Wanna make the time i see
and i can do anything.
I wanna do
I'll never be lazy all the time.






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