

aespa - Get Goin (MV版)
There's a story going around about a hero of history
Well I guess I better tell you that the hero of the story is me
And if you really want to know what you need to do
Then it's time that you heard what I'm saying to you
If you got what it takes to grow
You gotta take what you got and go
And if you got what it takes
Then take what you got or get goin'
Go go go go go go hey
Well I told you once and I don't wanna tell you twice
Go go go go
I got a heart full of fire
I got a head full of good advice
Go go go go
You know the world's so full of fakes and fools
Tryin' to run your life with their copycat rules
If you got what it takes to grow
You gotta take what you got and go
And if you got what it takes
Then take what you got and get goin'
Go go go go go go go go
Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey
Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey
So if you wanna get ahead get a load of what I'm telling you
Get a load of what I'm telling you
Go go go go
Don't you listen to the lies that the world keeps selling you
Don't you listen to the lies that they're selling you
Go go go go
Don't hang around with all those fools
Come and give a listen to the golden rules
If you got what it takes to grow
To grow
You gotta take what you got and go
And go
And if you got what it takes
Then take what you got and get goin'
Go go go go go go go go
Oh so let me tell you about it one more time
If you got what it takes to grow
You gotta take what you got and go
And if you got what it takes
Then take what you got and get goin'
Go go go go go go go go






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