

The city never sleeps
I hear the people walk by when it's late
Sirens beat through my window cill
I can't close my eyes
Don't control what I'm into
This town is alive
With lights that blind keep me awake
Put my hood up unlace and tie
The street fills my mind
Don't control what I'm into
London calls me a stranger
A traveller Ohoohohh
This is now my home My home
Oh Woah
Burning on the back street
Oh Woah
Stuck here sitting in the back seat
Oh Woah
And I'm blazing on the street
What I do isn't upto you
And if the city never sleeps then that makes two
The pavement is my friend
It'll take me where I need to go
If I find it trips me up
And puts me down
This is not what I'm used to
The shop across the road
It fills my needs and keeps me company
When I need it
Voices beat through my walls
I don't think I'm gonna make it
Past to-mor-roow
London calls me a stranger
A traveller Ohoohohh
This is now my home My home
Oh Woah
Burning on the back street
Oh Woah
Stuck here sitting in the back seat
Oh Woah
And I'm blazing on the street
What I do isn't upto you
And if the city never sleeps then that makes two
And my lungs hurt
And my ears bled
With the sounds of the city life
Echoed in my head
Do I need this To keep me alive
The traffic stops and starts but I
Need to move alone
London calls me a stranger
This is now my home Home
Oh Woah
Burning on the back street
Oh Woah
Stuck here sitting in the back seat
Oh Woah
And I'm blazing on the street
What I do isn't upto you
And if the city never sleeps then that makes two






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