

Hymn For The Weekend (Remix) - 笑匠/音源/十八闲客
Lyrics by:Guy Berryman/Jonny Buckland/Will Champion/Chris Martin
Composed by:Guy Berryman/Jonny Buckland/Will Champion/Chris Martin
I oh I oh I
Got me feeling
Drunk and high
So high so high
I oh I oh I
Got me feeling
Drunk and high
So high so high
Life is a drink and
Love's a drug
Oh now I think
I must be miles up
When I was a river dried up
You came to rain a flood
I oh I oh I
Got me feeling
Drunk and high
So high so high
I oh I oh I
Got me feeling
Drunk and high
So high so high
I oh I oh I
Got me feeling
Drunk and high
So high so high
I oh I oh I
Got me feeling
Drunk and high
So high so high
I oh I oh I
Got me feeling
Drunk and high
So high so high
I oh I oh I
Got me feeling
Drunk and high
So high so high
Angel sent from up above
You know you make
My world light up
When I was down when
I was hurt
You came to lift me up
Life is a drink and
Love's a drug
Oh now I think
I must be miles up
When I was a river dried up
You came to rain a flood
I oh I oh I
Got me feeling
Drunk and high
So high so high
I oh I oh I
Got me feeling
Drunk and high
So high so high
I oh I oh I
Got me feeling
Drunk and high
So high so high
I oh I oh I
Got me feeling
Drunk and high
So high so high
I oh I oh I
Got me feeling
Drunk and high
So high so high
I oh I oh I
Got me feeling
Drunk and high
So high so high






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