

R3hab、Noah Neiman、Miranda Glory - We Do
We ain't perfect but we're working on it
You got baggage but I gotta have it
Ain't no you without a me
There ain't no such thing mmh
It's never easy I wouldn't want it to be
I got moodswings but you're still rocking with me
You make me laugh when I get mad
And I can't stand it no
We drive each other crazy
And that's how I like it baby
Two broken hearts still beating we need this
'Cause ain't no one love like we do
Do we remember summer
We tried to escape the suburbs
But we couldn't leave your covers or each other
'Cause ain't no one love like we do
Both got a past but we're getting past them
Go get a couple of duffels and grab your passport
We don't got a destination
Pick your place and let's just go go
We drive each other crazy
And that's how I like it baby
Two broken hearts still beating we need this
'Cause ain't no one love like we do
Do you remember summer
We tried to escape the suburbs
But we couldn't leave your covers or each other
'Cause ain't no one love like we do
We drive each other crazy
And that's how I like it baby
Two broken hearts still beating we need this
'Cause ain't no one love like we do






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