

Mr KIA (Know It All)
Hello Hello Mr KIA
Nobody likes your pretentious manner
Do you know that
Hello Hello Hello Mr KIA
Don't be such a snob
Don't get on the high horse man
You are caged in your own world
You must know the vivid world
Blah blah blah and you say blah blah blah
I'm sorry but I can't hear you anything
I'm sorry sorry sorry Mr KIA
I don't want to hear anymore
Oh that's too bad guy
Sorry sorry sorry Mr KIA
Oh you act big but in fact you are nothing
That's too bad
Hello Hello Mr KIA
You should not say things like that
To people all the time
Hello Hello Helio Mr KIA
Don't be such a snob
Don't get on the high horse man
You are caged in your own world
You must know the vivid world
Blah blah blah and you say blah blah blah
I'm sorry but I can't hear you anything
I'm sorry sorry sorry Mr KIA
I don't want to hear anymore
Oh that's too bad guy
Sorry sorry sorry Mr KIA
Oh you act big but in fact you are nothing
That's too bad
I'm sorry sorry sorry Mr KIA
I don't want to hear anymore
Oh that's too bad guy
Sorry sorry sorry Mr KIA
Oh you act big but in fact you are nothing
That's too bad
I'm sorry sorry sorry Mr KIA
I don't want to hear anymore
Oh that's too bad guy
Sorry sorry sorry Mr KIA
Oh you act big but in fact you are nothing
That's too bad






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