

Paper Lanterns - Green Day
Now I rest my head from such an endless dreary time
A time of hopes and happiness that had you on my mind
Those days are gone and now it seems
As if I get some rest
Now and then and I'll see you again
And it puts my heart to test
So when are all my troubles going to end
I'm understanding now that we are only friends
To this day I'm asking why
I still think about you
As the days go on and I wonder will this ever end
I find it hard to keep control when you're with your boyfriend
I do not mind if all I am is just a friend to you
But all I want to know right now is
If you think about me too
So when are all my troubles going to end
I'm understanding now that we are only friends
To this day I'm asking why
I still think about you
Song creation
So when are all my troubles going to end
I'm understanding now that we are only friends
To this day I'm asking why
I still think about you






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