

Tyron Hapi、Bianca - Lost Control
The trees were weeping in the evenings
Where we used to pass them by
The air was cold without that feeling
Of you there by my side
I try to hear the words that you'd say
The light you gave me isn't there
A little didn't go a long way
Now I see darkness everywhere
I'm over believing
'Cause nothing can bring you home
I can't find a meaning
You left me without a soul
I'm over believing
'Cause nothing can bring you home
I can't find a meaning
I've lost control
Of you there by my side
Of you there by my side
I've lost control
When they told me you were gone
I felt something caving in
The weeks that passed felt way to long
Alone here
I try to hear the words that you'd say
The light you gave me isn't there
A little didn't go a long way
Now I see darkness everywhere
I'm over believing
'Cause nothing can bring you home
I can't find a meaning
You left me without a soul
I'm over believing
'Cause nothing can bring you home
I can't find a meaning
I've lost control
Of you there by my side
Of you there by my side






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