

Baby Ariel - I Heart You
Why do you never consider me
Are you my friend or my enemy
Fuelling all lies and insecurities
You and your secret identities
Giving me only bad energy
You should be only my remedy
I cry and you say
I try and you fight
I say you're blind and you say
I'm outta my mind my mind
I think you're losing your mind
But we both know we're gonna be just fine
You hurt me and I hurt you ah ha ah ha
'Cause you heart me and I heart you ah ha ah ha
You wouldn't hurt me half as much
And I wouldn't hurt you back so much
If we didn't love each other like we do
We do
So you hurt me and I hurt you
'Cause you heart me and I heart you too
Most of the time we're in synergy
Perfectly compliment all of me
Without you I don't know who I'd be
Some of the times we want different things
Can't find a way to meet in between
That's how we complicate everything
I cry and you say
I try and you fight
I say you're blind and you say
I'm outta my mind my mind
I think you're losing your mind
But we both know we're gonna be just fine
You hurt me and I hurt you ah ha ah ha
'Cause you heart me and I heart you ah ha ah ha
You wouldn't hurt me half as much
And I wouldn't hurt you back so much
If we didn't love each other like we do
Like we do
So you hurt me and I hurt you
'Cause you heart me and I heart you too
I don't wanna fight
But it's hard for me to bite my tongue
'Cause you think you're right
There's no compromise
I don't wanna fight
But it's hard for me to bite my tongue
'Cause you think you're right
And I guess that's why
You hurt me and I hurt you ah ha ah ha
'Cause you heart me and I heart you ah ha ah ha
You wouldn't hurt me half as much
And I wouldn't hurt you back so much
If we didn't love each other like we do
Like we do
So you hurt me and I hurt you
'Cause you heart me and I heart you too






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