

Daviddance、Jilda - Wait (DJ温浪漫版)
I've got so much to say
Conflicts from June to May
Even if l try to leave
You find the words to make me stay
This relationship's not the same
Tell me boy am I just a game
You never hold me in your arms
And say you like my name
Mom's telling me to give it up
Break damage I can't stop
Try the change but I guess I'll see
That this plan's wrong like you and me
Feelings can be controlled
Giving up silver fighting's gold
You won't dispose of me like a lipid I will be
Mom's telling me to give it up
Break damage I can't stop
Try the change but I guess I'll see
That this plan's wrong like you and me
Feelings can be controlled
Giving up silver fighting's gold
You won't dispose of me like a lipid I will be
Mom's telling me to give it up
Break damage I can't stop
Try the change but I guess I'll see
That this plan's wrong like you and me
Feelings can be controlled
Giving up silver fighting's gold
You won't
Giving up silver fighting's gold
You won't dispose of me like a lipid I will be
Mom's telling me to give it up
Break damage I can't stop
Try the change but I guess I'll see
That this plan's wrong like you and me
Feelings can be controlled
Giving up silver fighting's gold
You won't dispose of me like a lipid I will be
Mom's telling me to give it up
Break damage I can't stop
Try the change but I guess I'll see
That this plan's wrong like you and me
Feelings can be controlled
Giving up silver fighting's gold
You won't dispose of me like a lipid I will be
I've got so much to say
Conflicts from June to May
Even if l try to leave
You find the words to make me stay






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