

Spoonful (哈根达斯广告主题曲) - 吉克隽逸
词:Howlin' wolf
曲:Howlin' wolf
It could be a spoonful of diamonds
It could be a spoonful of gold
Just a little spoon of your precious love
Will satisfy my soul
Women die for that spoonful
And men cry for that spoonful
Yeah women lie for that spoonful
Yeah and men sigh for that spoonful
Yeah Yeah Yeah
That spoon that spoon that spoonful
It could be a spoonful of coffee
It could be a spoonful of tea
Not a knife not a fork but a spoon baby
Is good enough for me
Men lie for that spoonful
Yeah women die for that spoonful
You know they sigh for that spoonful
Yeah now they cry for that spoonful
Yeah Yeah Yeah
That spoon that spoon that spoonful
It could be a spoonful of diamonds
It could be a spoonful of gold
Just a little spoon of your precious love
Will satisfy my soul
It could be a spoonful could be could be could be
It could be a spoonful of tea
Just a little spoon of your precious love
Is good enough for me
Now men fight for that spoonful
They die for that spoonful
Yeah you know the sigh for that spoonful
Now they fight for that spoonful
Yeah Yeah Yeah
That spoon that spoon that spoonful






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