

KSHMR、Jake Reese - Carry Me Home
There was a time you and I
Get faded together on the floor
So high and I stayed there forever
You took the high road I took the bottle
The little taste of freedom
But I get the feeling that I'll be needing
Somebody I can lean on
When I'm drunk and out on my own
You carry me home
Carry me home home
When I'm down at the end of my road
You carry me home
Carry me home home home home
Home home home
When I'm down at the end of my road
You carry me home
Carry me home home home home
There was a time you and I
Get faded together that was then
But I know we're still birds of the feather
You took the high road I took the bottle
I'm never gonna slow down
But the lights are coming on
Playing the final song and I just need to know now
When I'm drunk and out on my own
You carry me home
Carry me home home
When I'm down at the end of my road
You carry me home
Carry me home home home home
Home home home
When I'm down at the end of my road
You carry me home
Carry me home home home home
Carry me home
When I'm down at the end of my road
You carry me home
Carry me home home home home






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