

STANDMiley Cyrus) - Billy Ray Cyrus
Story of a heart in need
Playing on my T V screen
Will I sit back and watch it fade
There's gotta be a better way
Love is more than what you feel
Love is action love is real
Break your silence turn the key
And be the change you wanna see
So get ready come on everybody
Are you ready to:
Stand for what you believe in
Stand for all that is right
Stand when it's dark all around you
You can be that shining light
Stand when troubles come calling
Your gonna be alright
Stand just reach deep inside you
And be that shining light
I feel the earth shake raise my voice
I have my soul I have a choice
I feel it burning I want more
So what am I waiting for
So get ready come on everybody
Are you ready to:
Stand for what you believe in
Stand for all that is right
Stand when it's dark all around you
You can be that shining light
Stand when troubles come calling
Your gonna be alright
Stand just reach deep inside you
And be that shining light
Stand for what you believe in
Stand for all that is right
Stand when it's dark all around you
You can be that shining light
Stand when troubles come calling
Your gonna be alright
Stand just reach deep inside you
And be that shining light
Stand for what you believe in
Stand for all that is right
Stand when it's dark all around you
You can be that shining light
Stand when troubles come calling
Your gonna be alright
Stand just reach deep inside you
And be that shining light






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