

The Roof (Album) - Mariah Carey
Lyrics by:Mariah Care
Composed by:K. Muchita
Produced by:Mariah Carey/Mariah Carey/Poke and Tone for Track Masters Entertainment
I got you stuck off the realness
I got you stuck off the realness
It wasn't raining yet
But it was definitely a little misty on
That warm November night
And my heart was pounding
My inner voice resounding
Begging me to turn away
But I just had to see your face to feel alive
And then you casually walked in the room
And I was twisted in the web of my desire for you
And I was twisted
My apprehension blew away
I only wanted you to taste my sadness
As you kissed me in the dark
Every time I feel the need
I envision you caressing me
And go back in time
To relive the splendor of you and I
On the rooftop that rainy night
And so we finished the Moet
And started feeling liberated
And I surrendered as you took me in your arms
You took me in your arms
I was so caught up in the moment
I couldn't bear to let you go yet
So I threw caution to the wind
And started listening to my longing heart
And then you softly pressed your lips to mine
And feelings surfaced I'd suppressed
For such a long long time
And I was lifted
And for a while I forgot the sorrow and the pain
And melted with you as we stood there in the rain
Every time I feel the need
I envision you caressing me
And go back in time
To relive the splendor of you and I
On the rooftop that rainy night
Every time I feel the need
I envision you caressing me
And go back in time
To relive the splendor of you and I
On the rooftop that rainy night
Last night I dreamed that I
Whispered the words 'I love you boy'
And touched you so very
Subtly as we were kissing goodbye
Pretty baby how I'm missing you
Every time I feel the need
I envision you caressing me
And go back in time
To relive the splendor of you and I
On the rooftop that rainy night
Every time I feel the need
I envision you caressing me
And go back in time
To relive the splendor of you and I
On the rooftop that rainy night
On that rainy night
Every time I feel the need
I envision you caressing me
And go back in time
To relive the splendor of you and I
On the rooftop that rainy night
Every time I feel the need
I envision you caressing me
And go back in time
To relive the splendor of you and I
On the rooftop that rainy night






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