

Mochakk、Pedro Luis Maia、Loletta Holloway - Jealous
Composed by:Pedro Luis Maia
Oh oh oh
Good good good good haha
I know you want my baby haha
You see that you see
I know I got a good thing
Yes I do
You see girls
This man is not like other men hahaha
And the reason I say this
Is because I know every lady out there
Today feels the same thing
Every lady feels that her man is special
He's special to her haha
No matter how he looks baby
I'm gonna tell it to you anyway ha
You see girls let me ask yourself
If you ever had so called best girlfriends
Laugh in your face and try to take
Your man behind your back ow
You know what I'm talking 'bout
You know where I'm coming from
Well let me tell you something
Let me tell you something
I don't play around with girls like that
Because I feel like this
What's mine is mine
What's yours is yours
You see I don't want nothing that's yours
I don't want nothing that looks at you
You see I know I got my man ow
Ha I know I got him
I got every little part of him ha
I got I got him from his
From his hair to the tip of his toe ow
But let me tell you this
You see when you got somebody that loves you
You know they love
You can stand up here like me
You know what I'm talking 'bout
You know where I'm coming from
Well let me tell you something
Let me tell you something
I don't play around with girls like that
Because I feel like this
What's mine is mine
What's yours is yours
You see I don't want nothing that's yours
I don't want nothing that looks at you
You see I know I got my man ow
Ha I know I got him
I got every little part of him ha
I got I got him from his
From his hair to the tip of his toe
I don't play around with girls like that ow
You know what I'm talking 'bout
You know where I'm coming from
Well let me tell you something
I got every little part of him ow






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