

You're not the type
Type of girl to remain
With the guy with the guy too shy
Too afraid to say he'll
give his heart to you forever
I'm not the boy that will
fall to his knees
With his hands clenched tight
Begging begging you please
To stay with him for worse
and for better
But I'm staring at you now
There's no one else around
I'm thinking you're the girl for me
I'm just saying it's fine by me
If you never leave
And we can live like this forever
It's fine by me
In the past I would try
Try hard to commit to a girl
Wouldn't get too far
And it always somehow
seemed to fall apart
And with you you you
I can see what I need
I can dream realistically
I knew that this was different
from the start
And it seems that every time
We're eye to eye
I can find another piece of you
That I don't wanna lose
And I'm staring at you now
There's no one else around
I'm thinking you're the girl I need
I'm just saying it's fine by me
If you never leave
And we can live like this forever
It's fine by me
I'm just saying it's fine by me
If you never leave
And we can live like this forever
It's fine by me
And it's never easy
Darling believe me
I'm as sceptical as you
When I think of life without us
She's like what we supposed to do
But I don't wanna come on too strong
I'm just saying it's fine by me
If you never leave
We can live like this forever
It's fine by me
It's fine by me if you never leave
And we can live like this forever
It's fine by me
I'm just saying it's fine by me
If we never leave
And we can live like this forever
It's fine by me






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