

I Wouldn't Treat A Dog (The Way You Treated Me) - Bobby Bland
Well mmm hmm listen
When I was up
You would always come around
But when I needed a friend
Oh you could never be found
I got a hole where
My heart used to be
I wouldn't treat a dog no no
The way you treated me
When time was good Lord
All your loving was the same
But when the going got rough
You hardly knew my name
You locked me up
And you threw away the key
I wouldn't treat a dog oh my Lord
The way you treated me
Got me crying for
A love that I needed
Begging like a dog for a bone
Although I spent all
Of my time pleading
You turned your back
And you leave me
One of these old days
Lord knows and it's true
Just when you need me the most
I'll walk right out on you
And you'll say
As you're begging down on your knees
Bobby I wouldn't treat a dog
No no no the way you treated me
The way you treated me
I wouldn't treat a dog no no
I wouldn't do it to you
I wouldn't treat a dog no Lord
The way you treated me
Oh I wouldn't do it
I couldn't do it






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