

Fool To Cry
When I come home baby
And I've been working all night long
I put my daughter on my knee and she say
Daddy what's wrong
She whispers in my ear so sweet
You know what she says
Daddy you're a fool to cry
You're a fool to cry
And it makes me wonder why
Daddy you're a fool
You know I got a woman
Daddy you're a fool
And she lives in the poor part of town
And I go see her sometimes
And we make love so fine
I put my head on her shoulder
She says tell me all your troubles
You know what she says she says
Daddy you're a fool to cry
You're a fool to cry
And it makes me wonder why
Daddy you're a fool to cry
She says
Daddy you're a fool to cry
You're a fool to cry
And it makes me wonder why
She says daddy you're a fool to cry
Daddy you're a fool to cry
Daddy you're a fool to cry
Daddy you're a fool to cry
Even my friends say to me sometimes
And make out like I don't understand them
You know what they say
They say daddy you're a fool to cry
You're a fool to cry
And it makes me wonder why
I'm a fool baby
I'm a certified fool now
Gotta tell ya baby
I'm a fool baby
Certified fool for ya mama come on
I'm a fool






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