

Rolling Stones - Under My Thumb
Under my thumb
The girl who once had me down
Under my thumb
The girl who once pushed me around
Its down to me
The difference in the clothes she wears
Down to me the change has come
Shes under my thumb
Aint it the truth babe
Under my thumb
The squirmin dog whos just had her day
Under my thumb
A girl who has just changed her ways
Its down to me yes it is
The way she does just what shes told
Down to me the change has come
Shes under my thumb
Ah ah say its alright
Under my thumb
A siamese cat of a girl
Under my thumb
Shes the sweetest hmmm pet in the world
Its down to me
The way she talks when shes spoken to
Down to me the change has come
Shes under my thumb
Ah take it easy babe
Its down to me oh yeah
The way she talks when shes spoken to
Down to me the change has come
Shes under my thumb
Yeah it feels alright
Under my thumb
Her eyes are just kept to herself
Under my thumb well I
I can still look at someone else
Its down to me oh thats what I said
The way she talks when shes spoken to
Down to me the change has come
Shes under my thumb
Say its alright
Say its all
Say its all
Take it easy babe
Take it easy babe
Feels alright
Take it take it easy babe






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