

Why - 陈彼得
Give me a chance to try again
Just a chace to begin
What was meant for us to forget
Why won't you just let it all pass
I won't give up I won't let go
After all that we've been through
How could you treat me so cruel
Left me alone Now that you're gone
Why can't we try to work at this out
Why can't we just say it out loud
Do you really have to leave now
Please don't go Don't go girl
Why can't you stay the night a little longer
And love me a little stronger
Don't leave me here all alone
Why can't you stay with me a little longer
And treat me like a lover
Tell me that you always be mine
You leaft me You grow my heart
Do we really have to part
Will you still remember me
If we meet again
Give me a chance to try again
Just a chace to begin
What was meant for us to forget
Why won't you just let it all pass
I won't give up I won't let go
After all that we've been through
How could you treat me so cruel
Left me alone Now that you're gone
Why can't we try to work at this out
Why can't we just say it out loud
Do you really have to leave now
Please don't go Don't go girl
Why can't you stay the night a little longer
And love me a little stronger
Don't leave me here all alone
Why can't you stay with me a little longer
And treat me like a lover
Tell me that you always be mine
Why can't you stay the night a little longer
And love me a little stronger
Don't leave me here all alone
Why can't you stay with me a little longer
And treat me like a lover
Tell me that you always be mine
You leaft me You grow my heart
Do we really have to part
Will you still remember me
If we meet again






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