

Lights Out - Max Styler
Lyrics by:Maximilian Styler
Composed by:Maximilian Styler
Produced by:Max Styler
Wait who turned the lights out
I can't see a thing dawg
Wait who turned the lights out
I can't see a thing dawg
Can I get a phone light
I might let it ring dawg
Something creepin' in the dark
Thinkin' it's a theme song
Shadows follow me around
Now we're in the same boat
Wait who turned the lights out
I can't see a thing dawg
Can I get a phone light
I might let it ring dawg
Something creepin' in the dark
Thinkin' it's a theme song
Shadows follow me around
Now we're in the same boat
Wait who turned the lights out
I can't see a thing dawg
Can I get a phone light
Can I get a phone light
Something creepin' in the dark
Thinkin' it's a theme song
Shadows follow me around
Now we're in the same boat
Wait who turned the lights out
I can't see a thing dawg
Can I get a phone light
I might let it ring dawg
Wait who turned the lights out
Turned the lights out
Wait who turned the lights out
Turned the lights out
Wait who turned the lights out
Turned the lights out
Wait who turned the lights out
Turned the lights out
Turned the lights out
Turned the lights out
Turned the lights out
Turned the lights out
Wait who turned the lights out
I can't see a thing dawg
Can I get a phone light
I might let it ring dawg
Something creepin' in the dark
Thinkin' it's a theme song
Shadows follow me around
Now we're in the same boat
Wait who turned the lights out
I can't see a thing dawg
Can I get a phone light
Can I get a phone light
Something creepin' in the dark
Thinkin' it's a theme song
Shadows follow me around
Now we're in the same boat






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