

I set out a trap
And you fell into it
I laid out the bait and the animal bit
I conquered the beast
She loved me for it
I set out a trap and she fell into it
I went to her house
She opened the door
She looked at me with pride
She was dirty and pure
It was tempting bait
She watched me commit
She set out a trap and I came to submit
You visit the beast
She causes you pain
She's your enemy
You're covered in stains
You sleep and you eat
You piss and you s**t
You conquered the beast
And you will regret it
You will regret but you'll want more of it
You try to come clean but you can't seem to quit
I set out a trap and we fell into it
We will regret it
We will regret
They're complete
Those hard dark eyes
He told me you need advice
One day you'll hear this lullaby
And it will be your turn
They're obscene
Those hard dark eyes
He told me you need advice
One day you'll hear this lullaby
And wait for my return
I set out a trap
And I fell into it
She set out a trap
And I came to submit
I conquered the beast
She loved me for it
I set out a trap and I will regret
I want to come clean but I don't want to quit
I want more of it
I want more of it
I set out a trap and we fell into it
We will regret it
We will regret
They're complete
Those hard dark eyes
He told me you need advice
One day you'll hear this lullaby
And it will be your turn
They're obscene
Those hard dark eyes
He told me you need advice
One day you'll hear this lullaby
And wait for my return






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