

Say it again - Mina木木夕
Lyrics by:张哲轩
Composed by:盘尼西林乐队
I opened my eyes in morning rain
And gently find out my black shoes
Clouds are slowly drafting by
Who crying under the sky
It maybe the slowest bus
Which color for her is right
And I see all the teenagers eyes
You tell me they're tough and red
Say say it again
Sometimes the memory was winding my mind
Say say it again
You konw the past thing could set me free
Put up your in sandwichs hand
I think it not really cool
You told me the truth could not be here
I find it in your eye
It maybe the slowest bus
Which color for her is right
And I see all the teenagers eyes
You tell me they're tough and red
Say say it again
Sometimes the memory was winding my mind
Say say it again
You konw the past thing could set me free
Say say it again
Sometimes the memory was winding my mind
Say say it again
You konw the past thing could set me free
Say say it again
Sometimes the memory was winding my mind
Say say it again
You konw the past thing could set me free






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