

Outside - Calvin Harris (加尔文·哈里斯)/Ellie Goulding
Lyrics by:Calvin Harris
Composed by:Calvin Harris
Look at what you've done
Stand still falling away from me
When it takes so long
Fire's out what do you want to be
Now I'm holding on
Myself was never enough for me
Gotta be so strong
There's a power in what you do
Now every other day
I'll be watching you
I'll show you what it feels like
Now I'm on the outside
We did everything right
Now I'm on the outside
I'll show you what it feels like
Now I'm on the outside
We did everything right
Now I'm on the outside
So you give me no reason
For me to stay close to you
Tell me what lovers do
How are we still breathing
It's never for us to choose
I'll be the strength in you
Now I'm holding on
I'm holding on
Myself was never enough for me
Gotta be so strong
There's a power in what you do
Now every other day
I'll be watching you
I'll show you what it feels like
Now I'm on the outside
We did everything right
Now I'm on the outside
I'll show you what it feels like
Now I'm on the outside
We did everything right
Now I'm on the outside
I'll show you what it feels like
Now I'm on the outside
I'll show you what it feels like
I'll show you what it feels like
Now I'm on the outside
We did everything right
Now I'm on the outside






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