

Stop' where am I
Shock' I can't cry
Pop' I need some space
No' this isn't me
Oh' please let me breathe
I'll be back sooner than you know
I need this space just like you need it
I need this time' time to clear up my mind
Wait' did you hear that
Shh Hear my heart beat
Shh I need this relief'
Whoa yeah' I really need this
Whoa' I've been blind
I hope I'll be fine
Don't call me back' no
Yes' I see light
Now' it's so bright
Call my name' I'll be there soon
I need this space just like you need it
I need this time' time to clear up my mind
Wait' did you hear that
Shh Hear my heart beat
Shh I need this relief'
Whoa yeah' I need this really
I really need this
I really need this
I really need this
I really need
You know it's not personal
Sorry if I'm hurting you
Please don't give up on me now
I needed this time alone
To know I could come back home
To breathe' breathe' breathe
I need this space just like you need it
I need this time' time to clear up my mind
Wait' did you hear that
Shh Hear my heart beat
Shh I need this relief'
Wait' did you hear that
Shh Hear my heart beat
Shh I need this relief'
Whoa yeah' I really need this






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