

Sympathy Album Version) - The Goo Goo Dolls
Stranger than your sympathy
And this is my apology
I killed myself from the inside out
And all my fears have pushed you out
And I wished for things that I don't need
All I wanted)
And what I chased won't set me free
It's all I wanted)
And I get scared but I'm not crawlin' on my knees
Oh yeah
Every thing's all wrong yeah
Every thing's all wrong yeah
Where the hell did I think I was
And stranger than your sympathy
Take these things so I don't feel
I'm killing myself from the inside out
And now my head's been filled with doubt
We're taught to lead the life you choose
All I wanted)
You know your luck's run out on you
All I wanted)
And you can't see when all your dreams aren't coming true
Oh yeah
It's easy to forget yeah
When you choke on the regrets yeah
Who the hell did I think I was
And stranger than your sympathy
And all these thoughts you stole from me
And I'm not sure where I belong
And nowhere's home and no more wrong
And I was in love with things
I tried to make you believe I was
And I wouldn't be the one to kneel
Before the dreams I wanted
And all the dark and all the lies
Were all the empty things
Disguised as me
Mmm yeah
Stranger than your sympathy
Stranger than your sympathy






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