

It's All Over Now - The Rolling Stones
Well baby use to stay out all night long
She made me cry she done me wrong
She hurt my eyes open that's no lie
Tables turning now her turn to cry
Because I used to love her but it's all over now
Because I used to love her but it's all over now
Well she used to run around with every man in town
Spent all my money playing a highclass game
She put me out it was a pity how I cried
The tables turning now her turn to cry
Because I used to love her but it's all over now
Because I used to love her but it's all over now
Well I used to wake 'the morning get my breakfast in bed
When I gotten worried she could ease my aching head
But now she's here and there with every man in town
Still trying to take me for that same old clown
Because I used to love her but it's all over now
Because I used to love her but it's all over now
Because I used to love her but it's all over now






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