

Stand Up (Live) - Jessie J (婕茜)
Written by:Jessica Cornish/Karl Gordon/John Benson/Arnold Martin Morrow
If you surround yourself with negative people
You'll never feel settled in or become equal no
They'll suppress you of your spirit and rinse you dry of smiles
So reach deep and release your inner child yeah yeah
So stand up for the love love love
So stand up stand up for the love love love
So stand up for the love love love
So stand up stand up for the love love
'Cause you're as old as you feel you are
And if you don't reach for the moon you can't follow the stars
So I live my life like everyday is the last last last
So stand up
'Cause you're as old as you feel you are
And if you don't reach for the moon you can't follow the stars
So I live my life like everyday is the last last last
So stand up
If you let a frown become your normality yes
You don't set an example for the youth of our humanity
If you spend every day wishing for the next to come
Aged and lifeless is what yes you'll become yeah
So stand up for the love love love
So stand up stand up for the love love love
So stand up for the love love love
So stand up stand up for the love love
Let's go
'Cause you're as old as you feel you are
And if you don't reach for the moon you can't follow the stars
So I live my life like everyday is the last last last
So ignore the bad and the good will soon come
Don't think second best be number one
Spread some love
Don't give to receive
Strive to be happy and live to believe
So ignore the bad and the good will soon come
Don't think second best be number one
Spread some love
Don't give to receive
Strive to be happy and yeah live to believe
So stand up for the love love love
So stand up stand up for the love love yeah
'Cause you're as old as you feel you are
And if you don't reach for the moon you can't follow the stars
So I live my life like everyday is the last last last
So stand up
'Cause you're as old as you feel you are
And if you don't reach for the moon you can't follow the stars
So I live my life like everyday is the last last last
So stand up
One love
One heart
Let's get together and feel all right
One love
One heart
Let's get together and feel all right
One love
One heart
Let's get together and feel all right
So stand up
'Cause you're as old as you feel you are
And if you don't reach for the moon you can't follow the stars
So I live my life like everyday is the last last last
So stand up
'Cause you're as old as you feel you are
And if you don't reach for the moon you can't follow the stars
So I live my life like everyday is the last last last
So stand up






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